Thursday, April 10, 2008

Opening Day

Welcome to the blog! The baseball blog has been done, so we're not exactly inventing the wheel here, but you don't usually see too much in the way of a new and emerging fan's view of the game of baseball. We're giving you two. Less than a year ago, Trinity would have said she hated baseball, because what's fun about a game where most of your time is spent waiting for something to happen? Char's flirted with having a relationship with the sport, but up until now hasn't been ready for a serious commitment. Now, though, Char won't shut up about the Diamondbacks and Trinity's kicking herself for having lived in Boston for a year and never having gone to Fenway. So this is about our impressions of baseball in general and since we're interested in more than one team, is more broadly focused than some other blogs (not that there won't be a lot of Red Sox and Diamondbacks talk).

And now, your starting lineup...

Char is a 23 year old SWF with brown hair, brown eyes, and a great sense of humor. She likes candlelight dinners, long walks on the beach, and...oh, wait. Dan Haren's not actually going to read this? Damn. It was worth a shot, anyway. So, Char. She's obviously the brains of this outfit, as the blog title, header, and general idea all belong to her. Char's the Diamondbacks girl and a lifelong baseball semi-fan who's recently decided that loving the National League is something to be proud of. Really proud of. As in, talks about it nonstop proud. That's okay; there are worse obsessions to have. Like a Yankees obsession.

And introducing Trinity, the Red Sox fan literally sinking her teeth into baseball for the first time. This is especially true because she would like nothing more than to be the filling in a Josh Beckett sandwich. She is blessed with satellite television, which means she gets to see a lot more games than I do, but not the games she wants (because nobody cares about the Nationals). She’s up on the knowledge, follows the news and her refusal to sugar coat things means she’s not afraid to tell it like it is. Likes: Josh Beckett’s soul patch; the Orioles because hey, at least they’re not the Nationals, and hating the Yankees.

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