Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Red Sox bullpen,

I just want you to know I'm taking back every nice thing I've ever said about you. All of it. Because seriously, guys, giving up six runs in the 7th inning? Do you really think I'm going to let you get away with that?

Manny Delcarmen, I'm looking at you. You started it. I leave the room for two seconds and you give up two runs? What makes you think that's okay? It's not! You can't do that, not when we have the lead and we're 2.5 games behind already! No, it does not matter that we're still doing better than the Yankees. We won't be if you keep up these shenanigans.

Now you march right on over there to Dice-K and apologize for blowing that lead that he worked so hard for, all of you. And then you can just go sit your butts down in the dugout and think about what you've done. No, I'm not going to stop Beckett from chasing you around the clubhouse with those ridiculous brooms the Rays are waving. You made your bed, now you've got to lay in it. Maybe you'll remember this next time you want to have a complete meltdown.

No love,

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